Modern Slavery and Forced Labor Statement




This Statement is made by KGR Logistics (KGR LOGISTICS) as a demonstration of our commitment to ensuring that there is no modern slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor taking place within the organization or its supply chains.


Corporate Structure


KGR LOGISTICS is a global organization specializing in international transportation and logistics in North America. This Statement reflects the activities undertaken by KGR Logistics, along with all other trading companies around the Globe.


Our Policies on Modern Slavery and Forted Labor


We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or forced labor in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Modern Slavery and Forced Labor Policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships. We are further committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and forced labor is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.


Our HR and procurement functions work together to ensure our relevant group policies are complied with across our business and to manage any concerns that may arise from time to time. We have a clear Whistle Blower Rights policy which is published on our KGR LOGISTICS Resource Center and all employees are encouraged to raise any concerns with their manager or a member of the KGR LOGISTICS HR Department or the KGR LOGISTICS Global Compliance Director.


Due Diligence Processes for Modern Slavery and Forced Labor


As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk, we are monitoring ethical standards across the KGR LOGISTICS organization. We continue to review our KGR LOGISTICS policies and supplier due diligence documentation in relation to slavery and forced labor within our supply chain.


KGR LOGISTICS is working toward all business areas ensuring that proportionate risk assessments are conducted for relevant activities and ensuing that appropriate policies, communication, training, and review procedures are implemented are required.


We are working with all of our businesses to develop a consistent and proportionate approach with respect to risk assessments in international and high risk markets.


Supplier Adherence to our Values and Ethics


We have a zero tolerance approach to slavery and forced labor. All of our suppliers are expected to comply with all local and national laws and regulations. We operate a supply chain compliance program which includes pre- contractual due diligence enquiries and ongoing monitoring throughout the duration of our relationship with that


supplier. Additionally, we have established an KGR LOGISTICS Partner Code of Conduct, which outlines our expectations from our suppliers and partners in human rights, ethical practices, and document retention, and

which is provided to every supplier prior to the beginning of our business relationship.

Supplier responses to our due diligence questionnaires are taken into consideration when selecting suppliers and we make any concerns known to suppliers. Where necessary we will cease to engage with any supplier who is unable to provide adequate responses to our due diligence enquiries or abide by the KGR LOGISTICS Partner Code of Conduct.


Going Forward


We will continue to carry out the activities described above in the coming year and work with the business to further review our policies and risk assessments to assess how we can maintain compliance throughout KGR LOGISTICS.






Barry Esene, President